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Gender & Inclusion Working Group

Since 2017, the EFAD has set up a working group dedicated to the exchange of information and best practices in the area of gender balance.

It was initially chaired by Anna Serner, CEO of the Swedish Film Institute who has been initiating and leading on the campaign 50/50 by 2020. Iris Zappe-Heller (Deputy Director of the Austrian Film Institute) took over as chairwoman of the working group in December 2021.

Over the last years, EFAD members have launched a wide range of initiatives including:

  • Regular gender data collection and reporting;
  • Parity in selection committees, festivals and awareness about gender bias;
  • Adjustments of film support schemes: gender bonus, additional points or new eligibility or award criteria, larger amount of aid distributed, use of the Bechdel test…;
  • Specific schemes to support women projects;
  • Support to national and European associations for gender equality.

At European level, the group has advocated in favour of the establishment of European statistics by the European Audiovisual Observatory, adjustments in the MEDIA programme schemes and for a more comprehensive European Gender strategy in the audiovisual sector. It also contributed in several networks’ discussions and reports, disseminating the best practices and ensuring a constant dialogue with European industry stakeholders.

In Berlin in February 2020, EFAD members requested the Working Group scope to be enlarged to diversity issues. The new Gender and Inclusion Working Group will therefore focus on the promotion of gender equality as well as wider aspects of diversity and inclusion. As a result, in 2022 the New Dawn fund was launched, an initiative of (currently) 10 public funds aiming to open up the film industry to the many voices and perspectives in our continuously changing society.

Its mission includes encouraging EFAD members to support the industry in finding solutions that ensure every voice is included in the potential talent base, whether in storytelling or decision-making. It also involves exchanging and promoting best practices among EFAD members and preparing unified messages on gender and diversity issues to present to European institutions.

Gender & Inclusion - EFAD Members' National Reports & Studies

You can find here national reports and studies done by the EFAD members.
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Gender & Inclusion Resources

You can find some useful resources, studies and projects about Gender & Inclusion.
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