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Gender & Inclusion Resources

You can find some useful resources, studies and projects about Gender & Inclusion.

EFAD - EURIMAGES Diversity & Inclusion Mapping

EFAD and Eurimages, the cultural support fund of the Council of Europe, have collected information about the diversity and inclusion measures already developed in the associations’ member countries. This information concentrates mainly on film funding measures, festivals, associations and resources. The focus of the mapping is on current diversity and inclusion measures in the audiovisual and cinemas sectors, with a desire to emphasise the necessity of more action in these areas.

The mapping will be updated each time a new measure is developed and announced.

European Audiovisual Observatory reports

Other European studies


  • Women in European audiovisual productions: the latest statistics, newest initiatives, and the key challenges ahead. Event organised on 6 December by the European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA Network), UNI Europa - Media, Entertainment & Arts (EURO-MEI), and the European Film Agency Directors Association (EFAD) in partnership with the International Federation of Actors (FIA), the Federation of European Screen Directors (FERA), the Lab “Femmes de Cinema”, the European Audiovisual Observatory, and Cineuropa. Recording and article here.
  • Talk with Deborah Williams on The value of Diversity in the audiovisual sector on 26 September 2023 in San Sebastian, organised by the European Film Agency Directors in collaboration with the San Sebastian Film Festival. Video
  • Women in European cinema: are we making progress? Hybrid event on 7 December 2022, organised by the Lab Femmes de Cinema in Les Arcs Film Festival, in partnership with EFAD, the European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA Network), and UNI Europa - Media, Entertainment & Arts (EUROMEI). Recording
  • Women in European cinema: where do we stand exactly? online event on 16 December 2021, organised by the Lab Femmes de Cinema in Les Arcs Film Festival, in partnership with EFAD, the European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA Network), and UNI Europa - Media, Entertainment & Arts (EUROMEI). Video
  • Debate: "50/50 by 2020 – Are We There & What Is Next?" on 11 December 2020 organised by Uni-Mei and EWA in partnership with EFAD and Cineuropa. Video and Summary Report

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