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Resources & European Projects on Film Education

You can find here useful resources and link to European projects linked to film education.

  • 2022- Audiovisual Material in Europeana Classroom: You can find here the final report of the Audiovisual Material in Europeana Task Force, which was established by the Europeana Education Community in early 2021. The Task Force (TF) has been composed of European experts representing both the education and GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) sectors focusing on audiovisual and audio heritage with the aim to investigate how to increase the availability and reusability of audiovisual material in the Europeana Classroom and for educators in general. The paper provides a set of recommendations put together based on a survey that received answers from 118 primarily preschool, primary and secondary school teachers, academics or educators working in the GLAM sector and six case studies designed by the Task Force members.
  • 2020 Online course (MOOC) developed by the BFI and its partners its partners from DFI, Cinémathèque Française and Vision Kino. The course is for educators working in the film or media education but also for policymakers, cinema and festival workers, archive educators, strategic bodies and agents who are looking for good practice and good examples of international film education.
  • 2020 Report about Film Literacy in Estonia "Points of Departure for Film Education in Estonia"
  • 2015 Report for the European Commission "Showing films and other audiovisual content in European Schools. Obstacles and best practices"
  • 2014 CNC Report "For a European Film Education Policy"
  • 2011 BFI Report "Screening Film Literacy: Film Education in Europe"
  • Blogsite of the Film Literacy Advisory Group
  • European Film Factory, MEDIA-funded project, a platform for film education, available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Romanian & Spanish for students and teachers across Europe
  • Cinemini Europe 2: Cinemini Europe 2 is a film education initiative supported by Creative Europe. It started in 2019 with Das Österreichische Filmmuseum, Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Eye Filmmuseum, Kinodvor Cinema Ljubljana, Taartrovers. In 2021 it has continued, with three new partners: Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School (BFM), European Children’s Film Association and Serralves Foundation. Cinemini offers to children aged 3-6 years old, their parents and educators the possibility to explore the world of the moving image in an innovative way. On 2 and 3 December, the projects, films and pedagogic concepts of this initiative will be presented in detail. It is a two-day training for film festival staff from programming and education fields, for freelancer educators and presenters (here).
  • MEDIA-supported project Framework for film education in Europe
  • Kino Magistrala (Croatia): A new network of Croatian cinemas, Kino Magistrala, was created, covering the entire coastal region of the country. The project aims to display a range of content for a wider audience. Creating a joint school programme in all partner cinemas is part of the project, which will be implemented in cooperation with primary and secondary schools. The project is supported by Europa Cinemas, Creative Europe through the MEDIA programme, and the Croatian Audiovisual Centre (here).