EFAD members do not only support the production of European films and other audiovisual works. They are also involved in the promotion, distribution and circulation of works. Different national schemes are in place to foster the circulation of European works in their respective markets and abroad, across European countries and beyond.
The report is the result of the Open Method of Coordination group of experts on circulation of films. Chaired by Jeanne Brunfaut (Head of Centre du cinéma et de l’audiovisuel, French-speaking Belgium), the group, in which several EFAD members participated in, has worked in 2018 and published a paper featuring good practices and recommendations to enhance the circulation of European films across the EU:
- European Audiovisual Observatory report on the circulation of European films outside Europe - 2017 figures (February 2019)
The European Audiovisual Observatory has released an updated edition of the 2018 report "The Circulation of European films outside Europe". The study looks at the volume and the theatrical performance of European films in 12 non-European sample markets, including North America, six Latin American markets, China and South Korea, as well as Australia and New Zealand. The analysis is based on 2017 data and complemented by a five-year data series for the period 2013 to 2017.
News & Publications
European Audiovisual Observatory report on the circulation of European films outside Europe - 2017 figures
EFADs paper highlights need for a strategy on the promotion and distribution of European films internationally
EFADs-MEDIA Roundtable Exporting outside Europe: how to better promote and distribute European films in the world?
How to foster online distribution of European works across the EU?
EFADs' support to a new initiative for a better circulation of films in Europe
French initiative to promote online legal offers of cinema works