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The Albanian National Cin­e­matog­ra­phy Center becomes the 38th EFAD member


At the occasion of its meeting in Venice, the EFAD Board unanimously agreed to accept the application of the Albanian National Cinematography Center.

The Center will join as associate member, a status for countries members of the Council of Europe but not from the EU.

We are delighted to welcome Albania to our European family. We look forward to the fruitful cooperation”, declared Chris Marcich, EFAD President.

I believe that the reunification of our continent passes first and foremost through its culture and knowledge. That’s why EFAD is a great instrument of sharing knowhow and best practices in order to foster support on European cinematographic creation”, declared Eol Çashku, head of the ANCC.


Established in 1997, the Albanian National Cinematography Center (ANCC) is the only cinematographic public grant giving institution that finances, encourages and promotes Albania's film production.