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EFAD Vision Paper 2020


EFAD publishes statement setting out the ten big challenges and priorities vital to the future of European film;

Ahead of the Berlinale, the European Film Agency Directors (EFAD) has released its new edition of its Vision Paper (A Strong, Sustainable and Dynamic European Film Industry and Culture), a strategic statement in which Europe’s film funds set out their common objectives for the decade ahead.

“I am proud of this new Vision Paper that clearly sets out our 10 priorities for seizing the opportunities and meeting the challenges faced by the European audiovisual sector.” said Edith Sepp, Chair of the EFAD Think-Tank and EFAD Vice-President.

For the European film funds agreeing a common position has been a long, tough but very rewarding process. We set out our key points which we believe are expressed in plain and clear language. I hope the fruits of our work with industry and cultural representatives genuinely reflect our collective ambitions to strengthen European film and cultural diversity to the benefit of the sector and audiences. Every single person who contributed made a difference.” said Sepp.

The EFAD Vision Paper focuses on seven pillars which are fundamental for the future of film and broader screen (eg high-end television, virtual reality, video games, etc): as an engine for the creative industries; the promotion of cultural diversity and freedom of expression; how film can better reflect the rich variety of European lives; increasing audiences and access; the potential of new distribution tools to grow audiences; innovation and financial sustainability; and the important role of all companies involved in the distribution and exploitation of film across all platforms.

The 10 big challenges set out in the Vision to be tackled ahead of 2030 in order to enable local cultures and different language communities to see their lives on screen and for powerful, culturally expressive films to affect hearts and minds, to benefit society across Europe are:

• A supportive political, financial and regulatory environment in Europe
• Strengthening the values underpinning public film funding
• Positively embracing technological change
• Promoting European film effectively – locally and globally
• Creating the conditions for high-quality European films which connect with their intended audience
• Strengthening co-production and creative partnerships
• Investing in training film professionals in a changing world
• Strengthening film education
• Protecting, curating and sharing Europe’s film heritage
• Improving collaboration within the film sector

The Vision is the result of a brainstorming exercise steered by the EFAD Think-Tank in consultation with industry and cultural stakeholders.

The EFAD Think-Tank is a place for regular debate about issues that are critical to the future of film and its audiences across Europe and beyond. The Think-Tank has created a framework to respond to the opportunities and challenges arising from the development of the market, regulation, and technology, while also responding to changes in society and culture.

This EFAD Vision 2030 is a living document that is being updated, as times change and film evolves.