Slovak Audiovisual Fund
The Slovak Audiovisual Fund, operating since 2010, is the main public funding institution for the Slovak audiovisual culture and industry. The aim of the Fund is to support the entire film value chain - development, production, distribution and promotion of audiovisual works, cinemas, festivals, research, training activities, innovations and technologies. Recipients of financing from the Fund shall be individuals or legal entities registered in the Slovak Republic.
The Fund has the following essential goals:
- to increase cashflow in the audiovisual culture and industry;
- to encourage the flexibility and effectiveness of the financial support;
- accountability of the support recipients;
- extended forms of available support (grants, loans and stipends);
- support to all parts of the film value chain: development, production, distribution, promotion and sales, festivals and other events, cinemas, research, education, publishing, workshops, etc., development of the Slovak audiovisual industry and its infrastructure;
- transparent and professional decision making.
Slovak Audiovisual Fund has launched its organisational unit, the Slovak Film Commission (SFC), in order to promote Slovakia and its regions as a “film-friendly country” with the aim to become a more attractive and accessible partner for foreign film productions or domestic investors. Connecting professionals and providing expert guidance, the Slovak Film Commission is here for anyone seeking to create audiovisual content in Slovakia, whether it be a feature, a documentary, animation, TV series or a commercial. SFC intends to achieve these goals through active presentation in Slovakia and on international film markets, personal meetings and specialized events. SFC created and continuously updates a public database on film infrastructure in the Slovak Republic, launched a website as well as printed materials with information on the Slovak audiovisual environment, administers the provision of expert advice and maintains active cooperation with foreign film commissions and professional audiovisual organizations. SFC became a member of the European Film Commissions Network (EUFCN) and Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI).
Audiovizuálny fond
- Grösslingová 53 , 811 09 Bratislava
- email hidden; JavaScript is required
- +421 (2) 5923 4545
Number of inhabitants
5,506,760 (2024)
Budget in 2023
Number of projects supported in 2023
EFAD related activities
Film Education - EFAD Members' Initiatives
See page 5-7: here
Sustainability - EFAD Members’ Initiatives
Economic growth has long had a negative impact on the planet and human health, with issues such as pollution, species extinction and climate change becoming increasingly apparent. Climate change, driven by human activities like transport, energy production and agriculture, is one of the greatest threats to humanity, caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Additionally, the unsustainable exploitation of non-renewable resources exacerbates environmental and economic instability, highlighting the need for urgent systemic change.