Screen Ireland
As the national agency for the Irish film, television drama, animation and documentary industry, Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland is the creative partner to the sector, investing in talent, creativity and enterprise. It is inspired by original storytelling that will emotionally move audiences at home and abroad. Through a wide range of practical funding supports across development, production, distribution, promotion and skills development, Screen Ireland supports the sector at every stage. It supports filmmakers in their creative pursuit to share valuable artistic, cultural and commercial stories on screen.
Screen Ireland’s mission is to:
- Assist and encourage the making of films and the development of a film industry in the State
- Encourage the expression of national culture through the medium of filmmaking
- Promote participation in international collaborative projects
This mission statement is based on the Irish Film Board Act 1980.
Fís Éireann
- Wellpark Road, H91 8K85 Galway
- email hidden; JavaScript is required
- +353-91-561398
Number of inhabitants
5,255,017 (2024)
Budget in 2023
Number of projects supported in 2023
EFAD related activities
Sustainability - EFAD Members’ Initiatives
Screen Ireland’s ambition is for the Irish screen industry to be a leader in sustainable production practices. The agency’s Sustainability Plan, launched in 2022, set out the actions Screen Ireland has committed to, encompassing both internal operations and supports for the wider screen industry to become more sustainable.
Since the launch of the Plan, the agency has implemented a number of key initiatives:
- A Sustainability Advisor Initiative for Film & TV Production: this provides Screen Ireland-supported live action features and TV drama projects with support from a Sustainability Advisor to help complete a carbon calculator (now a mandatory requirement for all Screen Ireland-funded productions) and implement actions on set to reduce carbon emissions.
- A Sustainability Innovation Fund: a pilot scheme designed to promote the implementation of emissions reduction practices and accelerate the uptake of low carbon technologies. Live Action and animated feature film and television productions in receipt of Screen Ireland funding that implement innovative and creative approaches to reduce the environmental impact of their production are eligible to apply.
- February 2023 also saw the establishment of the Future Ready Film project, financed through Screen Ireland’s Stakeholders Fund and led by screen industry sustainability expert, Stan Nangle. The objective of the project was twofold; to understand the level of support required by the industry in moving to a low carbon future and; through a process of consultation and collaboration, the creation of an industry standard for sustainable production practices in Ireland.
The project concluded in October 2023 with the launch of the Sustainability Standards: Live Action Production - a guidebook for production companies on the actions they both must and should take to reduce their emissions and minimise their impact on the environment.