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EFADs Plenary Meeting in Cannes 2016

On Sunday 15th May, the EFADs held its annual plenary meeting in Cannes during the Cannes Film Festival.

The EFADs position paper on portability was adopted, and the European Union’s competition case regarding Sky UK and the EFADs submission on the IPR enforcement consultation were discussed. Members also agreed that the EFADs should set up a Think Tank, to merge the Digital and Copyright Working Groups, and to hold an additional plenary meeting at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

The EFADs also discussed the development of their partnership with the Latin American film agencies and the minutes from the last meeting of the Film Education Working Group. This was followed by a presentation by Roland Teichmann and Dr. Michael Paul of the final results of an Austrian study concerning “cultural effects on film (funding).”


The EFADs also welcomed Vice-President Andrus Ansip from the European Commission, Michal Hradický from the upcoming Slovakian presidency of the Council of the European Union, and MEP Silvia Costa (S&D, IT) from the European Parliament. EFADs members also had the opportunity to meet the new President of the Greek Film Centre’s Board of Directors, Mr. Yannis Leontaris, and the new Secretary General of the EFADs, Samuel Young.



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