Bd Léopold II 44 | 1080 Brussels | Belgium

The EFAD welcome the launch of Lumiere VOD

The EFADs welcome the launch by the European Audiovisual Observatory of LUMIERE VOD, a new database on the availability of European films on video on-demand.

The EFADs have been one of the first supporters of the project initiated by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel back in 2018, complementary to the already useful Lumiere database on admissions of films released in Europe.

This new tool enables to quickly know if a film is available online in the different European countries. It will bring more transparency on how films are exploited by VoD services. For Film Agencies, it will allow us to identify countries where more European works can be made accessible and better promoted”, commented Luis Chaby Vaz, President of the EFADs.

This first version will be improved in the future. The EFADs look forward to see LUMIERE VOD integrating not only films but also documentaries, short films, TV series. LUMIERE VOD could then become a useful instrument to inform regulators about the proportion of European works on on-demand catalogues, in the context of the implementation of the revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive.


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